Is Taekwondo the Best Choice for Your Child?  Kids Martial Arts at SBG Bozeman

Taekwondo is a well-respected martial arts style because it has an emphasis on moral conduct and provides a great workout. Naturally, Taekwondo is one of the first things that come to mind when parents are looking for a kids martial arts program, and they have the right idea. Martial arts provides children with the strength, confidence, and discipline to rise to life’s challenges.

Taekwondo provides great opportunities for improving your child’s health and developing their character, but its fighting techniques aren’t safe for self-defense or standing up to the school bully.

If you watch videos of competitive Taekwondo matches, athletes wear protective gear because the fighting techniques can cause major bodily harm. While Taekwondo uses a variety of impressive strikes and kicks, they aren’t safe for any child to use in a self-defense situation.

When it comes to teaching your child self-defense and raising them to be bullyproof, Brazilian jiu jitsu is the best martial arts for your child. BJJ is a grappling-focused martial art that is designed for all sizes, strengths, and abilities. The techniques are designed to control – not harm – your opponent.

SBG Bozeman – Kids Martial Arts Program

At SBG Bozeman, we believe that character development is of major importance in our kids program. That is why our Growing Gorillas Kids Martial Arts program includes a life skills curriculum that builds leadership in the gym as well as in our community off the mats.

Each month, students practice a different life skill such as courage, initiative, perseverance, and discipline. To fulfill their life skill requirement, they complete tasks that help them develop those skills.

Confidence, self-respect, and positive relationships are the first line of defense for anyone. When your child trains at SBG Bozeman, they will learn to surround themselves with amazing people who will make them better.

If you are looking for a well-rounded child development program based in self-defense and building character, SBG Bozeman is the place for you! Fill out the form below.

SBG Bozeman Taekwondo Post

For more information about our Martial Arts Classes fill out the form below.

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